The organization of a church at Lillian resulted from meetings conducted during the fall of 1906, by evangelist S.A. Kopp. The meetings were held at the schoolhouse in Goheen Valley, which became Lillian, Nebraska upon establishment of a post office by that name in 1907. In December of that same year, Lillian Church of Christ was formally organized.

In September 1908, church leaders began planning the construction of a church house on land provided by member C.E. Bates. The building was completed and dedicated in January 1909. A basement was laid under the church house in 1929, funded largely by the money that ladies of the church raised by serving lunch at Bates Ranch horse sales. The original church house received improvements during the 1960s and, in 1976, underwent extensive expansion and remodeling including a brick exterior.

The first permanent housing for a minister's family was provided in 1953, when a house from Sargent was relocated to a site just west of the church house. The James Myers family provided the site for the first parsonage, and the Rex Myers family provided the site for the parsonage built in 1988.

In its 117-year history, a total of 34 men have served as ministers at Lillian. Some served part time, especially in the early years. Among those serving full time, tenures ranged from two years to 16 years in length.

It was the purpose of its organizers to establish a New Testament church at Lillian, taking the Bible as the only rule of faith and practice. Historically, its members have worked individually and collectively to share the Gospel and support members of the community in Christian love. The church has strived to provide biblically sound, age-appropriate teaching, through preaching, Sunday School, mid-week activities for youth and adults. Seasonal programs and outreach events supplement teaching efforts and further Christian fellowship. Recognizing that God's way of spreading blessings among those who labor full time for His kingdom is to provide blessings through His church, the congregation at Lillian has long been supportive of missions. We believe it is important to prayerfully discern worthy individuals and organizations as recipients of financial support. The congregation also has provided financial aid to youth attending Bible camp and students attending Bible college.

Through the years, the church has strived to offer opportunities for Christ-centered worship, encouraged deeper understanding of Scripture to further Christian maturity and urged members to use their resources and abilities to build up the Body of Christ. Over time, however, a majority of congregants came to disagree with some doctrines and traditions typically associated with the Restoration Movement and Churches of Christ in particular. In 2023, the congregation chose to disassociate with Churches of Christ. To differentiate itself as a truly non-denominational church, the congregation voted, in January 2024, to change the name to Christ's Church at Lillian. With these changes, the congregation is prayerfully moving forward and seeks to help all generations know Christ.